Six Several Models of Development
In a very general way, we can say Development means the securing of social and economic growth by changing the conditions of under-development through organised and planned efforts aimed at the control of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, and economic and industrial under-development.
According to Weidner, “Development is a process directed towards socioeconomic development and nation-building.”
Colin and Grieger write, “Development means change coupled with growth.”
These definitions, however, are not universally accepted definitions because the capitalists, the socialists, the dependency theorists, the neo-socialists, neo-capitalists, the liberalists and several other streams of thought define development in several different ways.
In a very general way, we can say Development means the securing of social and economic growth by changing the conditions of under-development through organised and planned efforts aimed at the control of poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, and economic and industrial under-development.
According to Weidner, “Development is a process directed towards socioeconomic development and nation-building.”
Colin and Grieger write, “Development means change coupled with growth.”
These definitions, however, are not universally accepted definitions because the capitalists, the socialists, the dependency theorists, the neo-socialists, neo-capitalists, the liberalists and several other streams of thought define development in several different ways.
Several Models of Development:
In fact, development is a very complex process and it has several dimensions which are related and interdependent and yet different. The reality is that there have been present several different models of development. Out of these no single development model stands universally accepted. Further, the concept of development has been regularly undergoing changes.
Initially, the Western model of liberty, economic growth and modernization was adopted by several states. Then some states came forward to adopt the Socialist model of development. Some others like India decided to adopt a mixed liberal-democratic-socialist model. Presently the world has been strongly advocating the Sustainable Development Model. Let us briefly study some popular models of development.
1. Western Liberal Model of Development:In this model, it is held that all societies undergo changes from traditional, transitional and modern stages of development. It regards political development as the condition for economic development. It supports the autonomy, rights and self- interest of the individual as the basis of all development.
It stands for rapid industrialization, technological advancement, modernization, full employment and continuous process of liberalisation of society, economy and polity. The goals of development are to be achieved on the basis of free-market economy, competitiveness and all-round individual development.
This model can be described as the market model of development. It advocates that opening up of the economies of all states is the only way for development. However, this model does not really suit the developing countries. Many of them feel that it acts as a source of neo-colonial control of the rich and developed countries over the economies and policies of developing Third World countries of the world.
The critics, particularly the socialist critics, criticise this model because it leads to economic inequalities and concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich class of capitalists. It gives rise to a monopoly of the rich and an exploitation of the poor.
2. Welfare Model of Development:The welfare model of development accepts and strongly advocates the role of state in the economic sphere for promoting the socio-economic welfare and common interests of the society. It conceptualises the state as a welfare state and advocates that state planning and organised efforts are essential for rapid industrialization, economic growth and socio-economic development. The welfare state can provide various types of social services for the people, like education, health, employment, social security and public distribution system.
It acts as the agency for promoting desired social change and development. It takes special steps for protecting the interests of the weaker sections of society. Welfare State protects all social, economic and political rights of all the people and in turn the people act in a socially responsible way.
All developing countries accepted the welfare state model but with some changes of their individual likings and needs. However, the welfare model did not succeed in securing the desired development. The machinery of state, particularly the bureaucracy proved to be inefficient and corrupt. Welfare goals were secured partially and that too with undesirable delays. The welfare model also made the people dependent upon the state and they largely failed to develop.
(3) Socialist/Marxist Model of Development:
The Socialist model of development is a general model in which several socialist thinkers advocate several different views about development goals and means. Some socialists accept democratic means for securing socialist goals of development. However, the Marxist Socialists and the Revolutionary Socialists advocate revolutionary means and a centralized system of economic and political relations for rapid industrialization, progress and development.
The Marxist Socialist model rejects the capitalist-liberal model of development. The communist states the USSR (1917-1990), Poland Czechoslovakia, Hungry, Rumania, Bulgaria, East Germany Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba (between 1945 to 1990) used a centralized command economic system as the means for development.
They placed full emphasis upon the social and economic rights, particularly the right to equality and social justice. They advocated socialization of means of production and distribution for rapid socio-economic development. Industrialization was held to be the means but it was to be pursued by ensuring the protection of the interests of the workers and common people.
Control of the communist state over the process of industrialization and development was held to be a essential condition for development. Such a state was regarded as the supreme agency for ensuring education, health and social security for the masses. Little emphasis was however placed on the civil and political rights of the people.
However, in 1980s the Socialist/Marxist model of development was found to be weak and unproductive. Around 1985-1991 the economies and polities of all the socialist states began collapsing. They found it essential to adopt political and economic liberalization of their societies, polities and economies.
All these states decided to liberalization, privatization, democratization and competitiveness as the means for growth, stability and development. The Socialist model of development suffered a big decline in its popularity and liberal-democratic-capitalist model got a new universal acceptance and popularity.
(4) Democratic-Socialist Model of Development:This model advocates development through the securing of socialist goals by using democratic means. India and several other Third World countries decided to adopt this model. In fact, these states combined the democratic socialist model and welfare state model for rapid industrialization, economic growth and development. Organised planning and democratic process of politics were adopted by them.
However, the actual operation of this model of development also proved to be inadequate for securing the goal of rapid socio-economic- political development. Bureaucratic inefficiency, corruption, faulty planning priorities and slow growth led to an inadequate success in all areas of development.
In the last decade of 20th centuries, these states also decided to go in for liberalisation, privatisation, competition, market economy and globalisation. These began registering some rapid development by using the new model. However, this model of development has also started showcasing some limitations and dangers of privatisation and globalisation.
It has started acting as a source of commercialization of human relations and even commercialization of education, healthcare and social service sectors. A need for reforms and changes are currently being designed and adopted, particularly for meeting the pressures resulting from global economic recession.
In fact, development is a very complex process and it has several dimensions which are related and interdependent and yet different. The reality is that there have been present several different models of development. Out of these no single development model stands universally accepted. Further, the concept of development has been regularly undergoing changes.
Initially, the Western model of liberty, economic growth and modernization was adopted by several states. Then some states came forward to adopt the Socialist model of development. Some others like India decided to adopt a mixed liberal-democratic-socialist model. Presently the world has been strongly advocating the Sustainable Development Model. Let us briefly study some popular models of development.
1. Western Liberal Model of Development:In this model, it is held that all societies undergo changes from traditional, transitional and modern stages of development. It regards political development as the condition for economic development. It supports the autonomy, rights and self- interest of the individual as the basis of all development.
It stands for rapid industrialization, technological advancement, modernization, full employment and continuous process of liberalisation of society, economy and polity. The goals of development are to be achieved on the basis of free-market economy, competitiveness and all-round individual development.
This model can be described as the market model of development. It advocates that opening up of the economies of all states is the only way for development. However, this model does not really suit the developing countries. Many of them feel that it acts as a source of neo-colonial control of the rich and developed countries over the economies and policies of developing Third World countries of the world.
The critics, particularly the socialist critics, criticise this model because it leads to economic inequalities and concentration of wealth in the hands of the rich class of capitalists. It gives rise to a monopoly of the rich and an exploitation of the poor.
2. Welfare Model of Development:The welfare model of development accepts and strongly advocates the role of state in the economic sphere for promoting the socio-economic welfare and common interests of the society. It conceptualises the state as a welfare state and advocates that state planning and organised efforts are essential for rapid industrialization, economic growth and socio-economic development. The welfare state can provide various types of social services for the people, like education, health, employment, social security and public distribution system.
It acts as the agency for promoting desired social change and development. It takes special steps for protecting the interests of the weaker sections of society. Welfare State protects all social, economic and political rights of all the people and in turn the people act in a socially responsible way.
All developing countries accepted the welfare state model but with some changes of their individual likings and needs. However, the welfare model did not succeed in securing the desired development. The machinery of state, particularly the bureaucracy proved to be inefficient and corrupt. Welfare goals were secured partially and that too with undesirable delays. The welfare model also made the people dependent upon the state and they largely failed to develop.
(3) Socialist/Marxist Model of Development:
The Socialist model of development is a general model in which several socialist thinkers advocate several different views about development goals and means. Some socialists accept democratic means for securing socialist goals of development. However, the Marxist Socialists and the Revolutionary Socialists advocate revolutionary means and a centralized system of economic and political relations for rapid industrialization, progress and development.
The Marxist Socialist model rejects the capitalist-liberal model of development. The communist states the USSR (1917-1990), Poland Czechoslovakia, Hungry, Rumania, Bulgaria, East Germany Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba (between 1945 to 1990) used a centralized command economic system as the means for development.
They placed full emphasis upon the social and economic rights, particularly the right to equality and social justice. They advocated socialization of means of production and distribution for rapid socio-economic development. Industrialization was held to be the means but it was to be pursued by ensuring the protection of the interests of the workers and common people.
Control of the communist state over the process of industrialization and development was held to be a essential condition for development. Such a state was regarded as the supreme agency for ensuring education, health and social security for the masses. Little emphasis was however placed on the civil and political rights of the people.
However, in 1980s the Socialist/Marxist model of development was found to be weak and unproductive. Around 1985-1991 the economies and polities of all the socialist states began collapsing. They found it essential to adopt political and economic liberalization of their societies, polities and economies.
All these states decided to liberalization, privatization, democratization and competitiveness as the means for growth, stability and development. The Socialist model of development suffered a big decline in its popularity and liberal-democratic-capitalist model got a new universal acceptance and popularity.
(4) Democratic-Socialist Model of Development:This model advocates development through the securing of socialist goals by using democratic means. India and several other Third World countries decided to adopt this model. In fact, these states combined the democratic socialist model and welfare state model for rapid industrialization, economic growth and development. Organised planning and democratic process of politics were adopted by them.
However, the actual operation of this model of development also proved to be inadequate for securing the goal of rapid socio-economic- political development. Bureaucratic inefficiency, corruption, faulty planning priorities and slow growth led to an inadequate success in all areas of development.
In the last decade of 20th centuries, these states also decided to go in for liberalisation, privatisation, competition, market economy and globalisation. These began registering some rapid development by using the new model. However, this model of development has also started showcasing some limitations and dangers of privatisation and globalisation.
It has started acting as a source of commercialization of human relations and even commercialization of education, healthcare and social service sectors. A need for reforms and changes are currently being designed and adopted, particularly for meeting the pressures resulting from global economic recession.
(5) Gandhian Model of Development:Gandhian model of development is based upon the following salient features:
i. Gandhian Model is totally different from Western materialistic model of development. It gives place of primacy to moral development and ethical view of socio-economic-political development. Truth and non-violence are advocated as the basis of all human activities and decisions.
ii. It stands for complete decentralization of functions and powers with each village acting as a self-regulating and self-sufficient unit of development.
iii. Development must ensure food, clothing, shelter, education and employment for all.
iv. Strong reservation about mechanization and industrialisation. Machines deprive human beings of employment and industrialization generates consumerism and profiteering. Industrialization must be based upon the use of manpower and its aim should be to meet the primary basic needs of all the people.
v. Emphasis upon cottage industries, handicrafts, agriculture and labour.
vi. Total emphasis upon social equality, non-violence, truthful living, social responsibilities, dignity of labour and moral and spiritual happiness. Development has to be measured on the scale of happiness and not consumerism and profit-making.
vii. All development must ensure environmental health and happiness.
viii. Gandhian view of a developed state is a peaceful, happy, non-violent state based on morality and respect for the equal dignity, worth and needs of all the people of society. .
The critics of this model hold it to be an idealist model which cannot be really used. However, the supporters of the presently popular model of sustainable development appreciate the value of Gandhian Model of Development.
(6) Sustainable Development Model:
Unprincipled and over-exploitation of natural resources; Air, Water, Soil and Sound Pollution; climate change and its adverse affect on human life; increase in radiation levels; depletion of ozone layer; and disturbances and pressures on the eco-systems, all have amply demonstrated the fact that the past socio-economic development has not been a real development.
Its human cost has been excessively high. It has created a situation of a social-economic-environmental imbalance. It has made it essential for us to work for securing social sustainability, economic sustainability and environmental sustainability. i.e. Sustainable Development. The greatest need of the hour is to put in comprehensive and coordinated efforts for securing development which is socially, economically and environmentally stable and enduringly sustainable.
Sustainable Development:
Meaning Sustainable Development is the approach to development which seeks to generate present growth without in any way of disturbing and limiting the quality of life for future generations. It focuses attention upon the need to maintain a necessary, healthy, productive and enduringly sustainable balance between human needs, natural resources and features, and ecosystems.
These are to be developed and made to sustain and reinforce each other. The Brundtland Report defines Sustainable Development as: “Development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Main Dimensions of Sustainable Development:
The concept of Sustainable Development is very comprehensive. It contains within itself several dimensions of development. It to secure social economic and environmental development. It includes the concept of sustainable population levels, poverty alleviation, socioeconomic justice, social development, economic development, environmental protection, prevention, control and abatement of pollution, securing of balanced ecosystems and biodiversity, conservation and systematic use of natural resources, development and use of eco-friendly technologies, meeting the challenge resulting from climate change, and securing the needs of present without in any way limiting or harming the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. All these dimensions of Sustainable Development are emphasized by a large majority of the contemporary supporters of the model.
i. Gandhian Model is totally different from Western materialistic model of development. It gives place of primacy to moral development and ethical view of socio-economic-political development. Truth and non-violence are advocated as the basis of all human activities and decisions.
ii. It stands for complete decentralization of functions and powers with each village acting as a self-regulating and self-sufficient unit of development.
iii. Development must ensure food, clothing, shelter, education and employment for all.
iv. Strong reservation about mechanization and industrialisation. Machines deprive human beings of employment and industrialization generates consumerism and profiteering. Industrialization must be based upon the use of manpower and its aim should be to meet the primary basic needs of all the people.
v. Emphasis upon cottage industries, handicrafts, agriculture and labour.
vi. Total emphasis upon social equality, non-violence, truthful living, social responsibilities, dignity of labour and moral and spiritual happiness. Development has to be measured on the scale of happiness and not consumerism and profit-making.
vii. All development must ensure environmental health and happiness.
viii. Gandhian view of a developed state is a peaceful, happy, non-violent state based on morality and respect for the equal dignity, worth and needs of all the people of society. .
The critics of this model hold it to be an idealist model which cannot be really used. However, the supporters of the presently popular model of sustainable development appreciate the value of Gandhian Model of Development.
(6) Sustainable Development Model:
Unprincipled and over-exploitation of natural resources; Air, Water, Soil and Sound Pollution; climate change and its adverse affect on human life; increase in radiation levels; depletion of ozone layer; and disturbances and pressures on the eco-systems, all have amply demonstrated the fact that the past socio-economic development has not been a real development.
Its human cost has been excessively high. It has created a situation of a social-economic-environmental imbalance. It has made it essential for us to work for securing social sustainability, economic sustainability and environmental sustainability. i.e. Sustainable Development. The greatest need of the hour is to put in comprehensive and coordinated efforts for securing development which is socially, economically and environmentally stable and enduringly sustainable.
Sustainable Development:
Meaning Sustainable Development is the approach to development which seeks to generate present growth without in any way of disturbing and limiting the quality of life for future generations. It focuses attention upon the need to maintain a necessary, healthy, productive and enduringly sustainable balance between human needs, natural resources and features, and ecosystems.
These are to be developed and made to sustain and reinforce each other. The Brundtland Report defines Sustainable Development as: “Development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.
Main Dimensions of Sustainable Development:
The concept of Sustainable Development is very comprehensive. It contains within itself several dimensions of development. It to secure social economic and environmental development. It includes the concept of sustainable population levels, poverty alleviation, socioeconomic justice, social development, economic development, environmental protection, prevention, control and abatement of pollution, securing of balanced ecosystems and biodiversity, conservation and systematic use of natural resources, development and use of eco-friendly technologies, meeting the challenge resulting from climate change, and securing the needs of present without in any way limiting or harming the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. All these dimensions of Sustainable Development are emphasized by a large majority of the contemporary supporters of the model.
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