Thursday, February 18, 2021

MA(JMC) FIRST PAPER (Basic Principles of Communication & Mass-Communication)

MAJMC – I Semester                              Course Code: MAJMC 01

Credits Equivalent: 4 Credits (One credit is equivalent to 10 hours of lectures / organized classroom activity / contact hours; 5 hours of writing work / practical / field work / tutorial / teacher-led activities and 15 hours of other workload such as independent / group work / house journals; obligatory / optional work placement; literature survey / library work; writing of papers / presentations / seminars, etc.)

Course Objectives: The Course is designed to:

• Introduce the students to the field of communication.

• Apprise the students of fundamentals of Mass Communication.

• Assist the students in developing theoretical and conceptual understanding of the field.

• Demonstrate skill and knowledge as producers of media.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course the learners will be able:

• To enhance the knowledge of students with regard to the fundamentals of communication and its different forms.

• To know the elements of effective communication and barriers of communication.

• To illustrate the fundamentals of Mass Communication and its various forms.

• To describe the theories of communication that make the students understand about the role of communication in society and media.

• To understand various Communication Models and significance of Models in understanding communication process.

• To identify the target audience and segmentation of audience for the purpose of understanding communication process.

Evaluation Criteria:

1. Continuous Internal Assessment: 30%

2. End Term Examination: 70%

Course Contents


• Defining communication : Elements and process

• Types of communication.

• Need, functions and significance of communication.

• Concept of Mass.

• Defining Mass Communication.

• Marshall McLuhan: Global Village


• Aristotle’s Model of Communication

• David K. Berlo’s SMCR Model

• Harold D. Lasswell’s Model

• Shannon and Weaver’s Model

• Charles E. Osgood’s Model

• George Gerbner’s Model

• Theodore M. Newcomb’s Model

• Westley & McLean’s Model

• Frank Dance’s model

• Wilbur Schramm’s Model


• Bullet theory.

• Individual Difference theory.

• Personal Influence theory.

• Cognitive Dissonance Theory

• Sociological Theories: Cultivation Theory, Agenda Setting Theory, The Uses and Gratification Theory, Dependency Theory


• Normative Theories: Authoritarian Theory, Free Press Theory, Social Responsibility Theory, Communist Media Theory, Development Communication Theory, Democratic-Participant Media Theory

• Hegemony Theory


• Mass communication as an agent of Social change

• Demassification, Demystification, Decentralization and convergence

• Characteristics of Audiences, audience fragmentation,

• Type of audiences: Elite audience, General audience, specialized audience, target audience

• Limitations of Mass Communication

Suggested Readings :-

1. Mass-Communication in India: Kevel J. Kumar: Jaico Mumbai

2. Mass-Communication theory-An Introduction:Denis McQuail:Sage Delhi

3. Bharat Men Sanchar aur Jansanchar:J.V.Vilanilam:M.P. Hindi Granth Academy Bhopal

4. Mass-Communication: Concepts and issues: D.V.R Murthy:Olive green:Kochi

5. Mass, Culture, Language and arts in India: Mahadev L.Apte: Popular Prakashan, Mumbai

6. Towards sociology of Mass-Communication: Denis McQuail:Collier –Macmillan

7. News,Information & Communication: Dr. Mukul Srivastava, New Royal Book Company Lucknow.

8. The process and Effects of Mass-Communication: Wilbur Schramm and Donald F. Roberts: University of Illinois press.

9. Introduction to Communication Studies: John Fiske: Methuen London

10. Soochna Sanchar aur Samachar, Dr. Mukul Srivastava, New Royal Book Company, Lucknow.

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