Friday, April 17, 2020

Development communication syllabus

Development Communication


Development: Meaning, Concept, Models of development, Theories, Approaches to
development, Indicators of development
Problems and Issues in Development
Characteristics of developing Societies, Rich and Poor
Development Dichotomies: Gap between developed and developing Societies
International organizations for development such as World Bank, UNDP, IMF


India’s Demographic Profile:-Population size distribution and density, Biological
characteristics of population: age, sex, race, mortality
Development Communication: Meaning, Concept, Definition & Philosophy
Role of Media in Development Communication, Diffusion of Innovation, Change Agent
C4D, Planning and strategies in development Communication
Social cultural and economic barriers
Democratization and decentralization of communication services: Panchayati Raj System etc.


Issues in Development Communication: Population control
Family welfare, Health, Education, Environment
Problems in development Communication
Need and Significance of development communication in Indian Context
Agricultural Communication & Rural Development: The genesis of agricultural extension
approach system, Approaches in agricultural communication models of agricultural extension


Difference between Development Communication, Mass Communication, and Development
Journalism, Alternative Communication
The development agencies: Government, non-government, co- operative and others
Planning development Messages: Identifying target audience, Topic selection
Place Time and Purpose
Developing, structuring presenting and adopting development Messages through Print media,
Radio & T.V and other modern technologies

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