Friday, April 17, 2020

Media Law Syllabus

Paper (VII) Media Laws


Need and importance of various laws in media
Brief history of Press Law in India
Basics of Indian constitution and Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of state policy,
Freedom of Speech & expression Article 19(a) &19(b)
Concept of free press, Censorship and other legal implications imposed by government on Press


Press Commission: First and Second
Press council of India
Defamation: Libel and Slander
Sedition and inflammatory writings, IPC and CrPC
Copy Right Act, 1957, IPR
Press & Books Registration Act, 1867
Contempt of Court 1971
Official Secrets Act 1923


Committees and related to Media: Joshi Committee, Chanda committee, Verghese committee
Broadcasting Laws: Prasar Bharati Act, Cable TV Network Regulation Act,
Digitization and Conditional Access System (CAS), Proposed Broadcast Regulatory Authority of
India Act, Broadcasting and Advertising codes.
RTI, Editorial ethics, Press council code on communal writings, Parliament code for journalist

Unit IV

Cinematography Act
Cyber Laws: Information Technology Act and Regulatory Authorities
Journalism as an organised/unorganised sector, Working Journalists Act, Wage board.
Wage board related to Media: Bachawat Palekar and Manisana Award
Broadcast Regulatory bodies and TRAI, BRAI , IBF
Media Associations and Organisations: INS, Editors Guild, IFWJ, NUJ (I), IJU,NBA,
BEA, etc. Trade Union Rights in Media

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